₹ 600
Dr. Kaushlendra Kumar Jha(K. K. Jha)
Dr. K.K. Jha (Khaushalendra Jha) is a highly experienced urologist with a strong background in general surgery. He completed his MBBS degree from LNMU (Lalit Narayan Mithila University) in Darbhanga and pursued his MS in General Surgery from AKU (Aryabhatta Knowledge University) in Patna. With 10 years of dedicated experience, Dr. Jha has established himself as a reputable and skilled urologist. Dr. Jha's expertise lies in the field of urology, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the urinary system. He has in-depth knowledge and proficiency in performing various urological procedures, including surgeries related to the kidneys, bladder, prostate, and urinary tract. With a patient-centered approach, Dr. K.K. Jha prioritizes the well-being and comfort of his patients. He believes in providing personalized care, taking the time to understand each patient's unique needs and concerns.
Years of Experience
10 years of expereince
Clinic Address
Kunj Urostone Hospital, Gali No. 1 Hospital Chowk
Awards and Recognition
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Doctor's Notes
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